Весь календарь

8 Апреля 2010 г.


Современный Китай: общество, религия, политика

Современный Китай: общество, религия, политикаPrior to my arrival in China, I was made to believe that China is a country full of infidels who have no means of and do not allow any means of worship to the Almighty, and who only believe in hard work. Been a Christian, I discovered that Christianity in China is a growing minority religion that comprises Protestants (called 基督教 Jī dū jiào, or Christ Religion), Catholics (天主教 Tian zhu jiao, or Lord of Heaven Religion), and a small number of Orthodox Christians. Although its lineage in China is not as ancient as beliefs such as Confucianism, Taoism, or Mahayana Buddhism, Christianity has existed in China since at least the seventh century and has gained influence over the past 200 years. The growth of the faith has been particularly significant since the loosening of restrictions on religion by the PeopleЎЇs Republic since the 1970s.


Просмотров 5987 (0)08.04.2010, 06:11:00
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Хабаровская семинария приняла участие в торжествах по случаю 15-летия института ФСКН

ХАБАРОВСК. 7 апреля в Дальневосточном институте повышения квалификации Федеральной службы по контролю за оборотом наркотиков России прошло торжественное собрание, посвященное 15-летию со Дня его образования.


Просмотров 4424 (0)08.04.2010, 02:26:00
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